Jeff Cohn, MD, MHCM


“I love helping physicians moving from full-time clinical practice into a different role achieve their vision.”

Coaching Specialty: There are three types of physicians that I love working with: Physician Leaders who are looking to be better at their jobs, especially around challenges for which there are no easy answers; physicians feeling a calling to do something other than full-time clinical practice; and physicians struggling with early symptoms of burnout who'd like to continue their practice.

Medical Speciality: Hematology/Medical Oncology.

Loves: My family (including/especially being a "pop"), learning (especially with others), helping people learn to lead in the face of uncertainty, generative relationships, playing golf with friends, and rock and roll.

Connect with Jeff via his website, LinkedIn or Twitter.

More from Jeff: “As the Chief Medical Advisor for Hummin' I'd like to interact with anyone trying to help support the emotional well-being of front-line clinicians. Hummin' is a platform that helps clinicians acknowledge their feelings, lower their risk of burnout, and makes their workplace better.”