Jenny Christner, MD


“I should have been incredibly happy/satisfied with my life and I just wasn't - until I found coaching which CHANGED MY LIFE and I couldn't wait to pass that on to others!”

Coaching Specialty: Life Coaching, Career Transitions, Professionals - particularly in academia who aren't happy/feel stuck/looking for a promotion/career change

Medical Specialty: Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine

Loves: Improv (as a participant!), Musical Theater (as an onlooker!), reading, creative writing, learning new things, donuts w/chocolate cream filling - not custard - cream!

Connect with Jenny via her website and on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.

More from Jenny: “Colleagues would often come to me wanting to know the secret to my success. I take great joy in helping others be successful and have a really good track record in helping folks get to the next level!”