Kelly Chilcott, MD


“I am a primary care physician in Northern California who has been in practice for 20 years as well as a wife and mother of three, who has found her passion in coaching.”

Coaching Specialty: empowering fellow physicians navigating burnout and life/career transitions

Medical Specialty: Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

Loves: running, hiking, coastal getaways, quiet time, crocheting, meaningful conversations

Connect with Kelly on Linkedin and Instagram.

Words to live by:
"Fear is excitement without the breath." ~Robert Heller
"Comfort is the worst addiction." ~Marcus Aurelius
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good." ~John Steinbeck
"'No' is a complete sentence." ~Annie Lamott and others
"Hope is not a thing to have -- It's a skill to practice." ~Pooja Lakshmin
"You can't get to courage without rumbling with vulnerability." ~Brene Brown

Stay tuned for Kelly’s upcoming website and podcast launches.