Libby Schanzmeyer, DO


Founding Member

"I am an inspired high-powered field, speaking truth, creating magic, love, joy and acceptance as God manifests through me.”

Coaching Specialty: Are you a professional working mom? Do you need tools to move from a life of "busy" stress and survival to a life of clarity, ease and joy? Do you want to make an impact in the world, in your many roles, and have fun while you are at it? If yes, let's schedule a call!

Medical Specialty: Pathology

Loves: My family. Being in AWE. Laughter and play. Belonging and acceptance. Adventure. Living into the grandest vision of my life I can imagine. Miracles.

My values: Family, clarity, freedom, vitality/well being, my spiritual life

Learn more about Dr. Schanzmeyer on her website OneHPF or IG