Pam Pappas, MD


“I’m a long-time psychiatrist and coach for soul-weary physicians who want to uncover, embody, and express their soul inspirations. Impactful actions in the world begin in the formless, wise, and creative center of our being. I love helping others to experience this within themselves more consistently.”

Coaching Specialty: Personal, Executive, and Leadership coaching through transitions such as moral injury, burnout, personal illness, job and practice changes, retirement, and more. These can be transformation portals into wholehearted living, loving, working, and leading.

Medical Specialty: Adult Psychiatry; Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry; Integrative and Holistic Medicine

Loves: Nature, hiking, and gardening; arts and creativity of all kinds; Hawaiian, Native American, and other indigenous cultures; warm, inclusive humor; Mindful (and Fierce!) Self-Compassion; Brené Brown’s work in shame, vulnerability, and leadership; Syd Banks’ Three Principles psychospiritual understanding of life and our human functioning.

Connect with Dr. Pappas on her website, Dr. Pam Pappas - Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - Optimal You

My not-so-secret mission is to help medical culture evolve from shame-based, to a compassionate, humane, and thriving one. I invite you to consider joining our private, physicians-only group on Facebook: "Physicians Cultivating Compassion & Connection: Healing Medical Culture"