Pamela Ludmer, MD MMEL

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“I am a physician, mom, educator and coach dedicated to helping physician women struggling through divorce and leadership so that they can live the lives they truly want.”

Coaching Specialty: I am a Certified Divorce Coach®, Gaia Certified Women's Leadership Coach, and Erickson Solution Focused Coach. I incorporate elements from all three to help my clients overcome the obstacles that are in their way.

Medical Specialty: Med/Peds and Adolescent Medicine

Loves: All things family, connecting with others, learning, dancing, the beach, and making impacts on my clients personal and professional lives.

Visit her website or contact her on LinkedIn.

More from Pamela: “If you are a physician mom going through divorce, I know how overwhelming and difficult it is. But you don't have to go through it alone.

I can be your thinking partner, support, and guide, helping you make the best decisions possible and manage conflict so that you can move on to your best life. And if you are facing challenges as a physician woman in leadership, I can be your sounding board, cheerleader, and guide, helping you develop your own unique leadership style so that you can channel your power and make a positive impact on the healthcare system.’

MemberLevel 7Female, Pediatrics