Sarah Samaan, MD, FACC


“I work with physicians facing challenges of burnout, time pressure, and professional transitions to develop meaningful and actionable goals, reclaim their creative energy, and create sustainable and fulfilling balance.”

Coaching Specialty: Goal Setting, Transitions, and Balance.

Medical Specialty: Cardiology.

Loves: I love hanging out with my horses, practicing yoga (I'm a registered yoga teacher), and hiking and photographing in the mountains. As a photographer, I deeply appreciate the mindfulness of the artistic process. And I love working with physicians to help them rediscover their own professional and personal passions.

Connect with Sarah via her website, LinkedIn and Youtube.

More from Sarah: "I practiced cardiology for nearly 30 years and retired to pursue my other life passions in early 2022. I'm currently working towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and plan to follow with an MFA. Ultimately, I hope to teach in the field of medical humanities.

Having worked with a coach to make this leap, I was inspired to pursue my own training and certification as a coach. I find coaching to be tremendously fulfilling. Each person's story and trajectory is different, and it's a privilege to be a trusted partner for part of the journey.”