Amna Shabbir, MD, CPC


"The first 5 years of attendinghood are rough! As a Certified Coach for Early Career Physicians, I help my clients advocate for themselves, feel better and fulfilled in their lives. This journey is CME funds eligible."

Coaching Specialty: Early Career Physician &  Medical Trainee Coaching, Integrative Wellness & Life Coaching.

Medical Specialty: Geriatrics- Internal Medicine.

Loves: Coaching young docs, speaking on healthcare advocacy and wellness-related topics, spending time with family, and caring for older adults.

Connect with Amna via her website, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

More from Amna: “I have been a PCP, a Faculty member, gone through personal health challenges, and am a Mom of young children. Having personally suffered overwhelm, stress, burnout, moral injury, and poor physical and overall mental well-being as an early career physician- I get you. Things can get better, please just reach out for help!”