Tracy Novosel, MD


“Physician, mom, certified coach, believe anything is possible and together we really can move mountains.”

Coaching Specialty: I help physicians who feel stuck, disempowered, or overwhelmed rediscover themselves and reclaim their true power so that they not only create more ease in the day to day but wake up excited each morning about the life they are living.

Medical Specialty: Dermatology.

Loves: My kiddos, travel, adventure, quotes, collaborating with others to achieve goals, photography, learning new skills.

Connect with Tracy via her website, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

More from Tracy: “My medical career began as a flight surgeon in the US Navy and I loved the adventures it provided. Having discovered coaching initially as an additional tool to further benefit patients, I discovered it’s real value after losing my sister to suicide in 2020. Simple yet powerful, I believe everyone could benefit from coaching and it’s benefits go far beyond the person receiving coaching.

I am a recovering perfectionist, people pleaser and “imposter syndrome” survivor and love to coach on these areas as well as burnout, stress, weight loss, narcissism survival or whatever else life throws at you. All too often, I feel many are waking up and feeling they have lost a piece of themselves somewhere along the journey of training, careers, family and life. They feel there was so much more to the younger version of themselves. I help them reignite and reclaim that true, powerful version of themselves so that they are truly able to live a life they absolutely love. ”