Jessica Singh, MD


“My passion is to live life meaningfully by enhancing joy and fulfillment at all levels – physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually, through self-empowerment, enrichment, innovation and leadership.”

Coaching Specialty: Integrative holistic coaching; certified in Mind-Body Medicine by the Center for Mind-Body Medicine; certified in Interactive Guided ImagerySM by the Academy of Guided Imagery; National Board Certified Health and Wellness coach (NBC-HWC); Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coaching Federation; certified Radical Remission coach; Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200); Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor certified by Kerala Ayurveda Academy

Medical Specialty: Physician Wellness; Former Emergency Medicine Physician

Loves: Spirituality and living life in a way that nurtures expansion of consciousness and transcends boundaries; yoga, especially outside before sunrise; being immersed in nature; inspiring books; writing; connecting with people who live the change they want to see in this world; healthy vegetarian and vegan cooking; my family; learning to love unconditionally; shifting from a space of powerless to empowerment; Universal Oneness.

Connect with Jessica via her website and on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

More from Jessica: “I trained and practiced as an emergency medicine physician. After practicing as an attending in the community after residency, I completed the first one year physician wellness fellowship through the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine in 2020. This fellowship changed my life by providing a structured opportunity to develop holistic expertise in the art and science of physician wellness. I learned systemic drivers of burnout and organizational approaches to mitigate burnout and enhance professional fulfillment. I went into fellowship wanting to improve the healthcare system, to make it more sustainable and human, and graduated with a broad knowledge base and skill set to dedicate my life to this work.

To my surprise, my last day of fellowship was my last day of practicing allopathic medicine. I transitioned careers, embraced entrepreneurship, and launched my wellness practice, Sukhayu Wellness with the mission of enhancing well-being and fulfillment on individual, organization, and community levels.

As a physician wellness consultant, I work with healthcare organizations to not only assess provider burnout, but to provide initiatives to mitigate provider burnout and enhance fulfillment.

I am passionate about facilitating environments to explore the root source of well-being and helping to empower people to enhance their self-care and fulfillment in all aspects of life.”