Joe Sherman, MD


"Having experienced burnout, workaholism, and fulfillment in my career as a pediatrician, I’ve learned what it takes to authentically bring who you are to what you do as a physician and now accompany other physicians on the journey to well-being and career fulfillment.”

Coaching Specialty: Well-being, Career Discernment, and Mindful Leadership

Medical Speciality: General Pediatrics

Loves: Traveling to interesting places, spending time with my family, going to the beach, having deep conversations with friends, watching and playing basketball, practicing mindful self-compassion

Connect with Joe via his website or on LinkedIn.

More from Joe: “I've been in leadership positions in academic medicine, private practice, and community health. I am passionate about healthcare for marginalized populations within the framework of a healthy, supportive team approach. I have lived and worked overseas and love learning about myself and others in cross-cultural settings.”